Intercessory Prayers

Intercessory Prayers

During the service the congregation prays together for those on the Intercessory Prayer List in the service bulletin. In the Prayers of the People, we pray together for other churches in the Anglican Communion and our Diocese, our priests and members of our parish generally and specifically. Prayers can be said for loved ones who have died or are ill, grieving, or facing adversity. Prayers of thanksgiving can be said for joyous events such as marriages, births, anniversaries, or special people in your life. You may add your petition to the prayer list by filling out the prayer request form or simply adding it silently or aloud during the Prayers of the People.

The Prayer Circle is a ministry that offers prayers in confidence for parishioners who want to maintain privacy.  Complete a prayer request form to place someone on the Prayer Circle list. The list is updated weekly. A team of parish members prays for those on the list throughout the week. 

Healing Ministry
Prayers for healing with the laying-on-of-hands are offered on the second Sunday of the month during the 10:00 a.m. service by members of the parish’s healing ministry team.  Currently, this ministry is not offered due to Covid restrictions.  However, the healing team is meeting monthly online to pray, to reflect on Scripture, and to discuss readings about the ministry of healing.

Join us on Sundays at
8:00 am & 10:00 am
4 Ocean Street
Beverly, Massachusetts 01915