Memorial Flowers

Flowers in Memory

The congregation also prays for those in whose memory the Memorial Flowers are given each week. Any parishioner may honor the memory of a loved one who has died by contributing to the Memorial Flower Fund. A contribution to the fund is made for a specific date such as a birthday, anniversary or date of death or in thanksgiving for a life shared with that person. On the Sunday closest to that date, the flowers on the altar are given in memory of your loved one. Each year, the parish office will notify you a month prior to the date you requested. A contribution between $10 and $50 helps to cover the cost of the flowers.

You may also contribute to the Perpetual Flower Fund to cover a five to ten year period. Flowers at Christmas and Easter are covered by donations in specifically marked envelopes distributed several weeks before those holidays. If you want to give flowers in memory of someone who has died, please contact Dena Lisle in the parish office. Memorial Flower envelopes can be found on the Usher’s table at the rear of the church and placed in the collection plate or given to any usher.

Join us on Sundays at
8:00 am & 10:00 am
4 Ocean Street
Beverly, Massachusetts 01915